Category: Hexokinase

participated in experimental style, data analysis, added to composing and edited the manuscript extensively

participated in experimental style, data analysis, added to composing and edited the manuscript extensively. Additional document 2: Amount S2. R2D SDS-PAGE of thiol proteins, produced by reduced amount of mobile protein-protein blended disulphides, in lysates of (A) Jurkat E6.1, (B) Jurkat-HIV, Mevalonic acid (C) Tat101, (D) Tat101GFP, (E) Tat72GFP, (F) Tat?GFP, with sections C-F induced […]

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. This short article contains supplemental Movies S1 and S2. 4The abbreviations used are: SACspindle assembly checkpointACAanti-centromere antibodyDTBdouble thymidine blockIFimmunofluorescent.. spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Inactivating SAC can efficiently reverse the mitotic arrest caused by JMJD5 depletion. Moreover, JMJD5 is found […]